Your account number is the means through which other accounts can carry out transactions with yours. Without it is impossible to carry out transactions with your account. In this age of information, people go about with so much stuff and may not remember their many digits’ account numbers, unlike other shortcodes. In such situations, they need to know how to check their Wema Bank account number.
What is required to check the account number?
There are some things that are required to check your account number. Each of them is very important because they will be required while trying to check for your account number.
Account status
Users must be existing customers of Wema bank to check their account numbers because account numbers are issued after an account is created. So, if you are not an account owner, you cannot check for an account number. Open an account with Wema Bank using the USD code *945# or visit any of the bank branches to open an account.
Account details
USSD password is essential for checking your Wema Bank account number through USSD. So, it should be close by while trying to check your account number. other account information may be required too. Ensure that you have all the information at hand before starting the process of retrieving your account number.
A phone is required. it can either be a smartphone or any other phone and what really matters is the USSD code that you will dial. However, a phone only applies when the account number checking is to be done from a remote location. Otherwise, it may not be needed if you are visiting any of the bank’s branches.
Internet Connection
Internet connection applies only to smartphone users that want to check their Wema Bank account numbers using any means other than USSD.
Check using USSD
If you have all the requirements at hand, you may proceed to check your account number using any of the following means
Dial *945*000# using a phone with a number linked to your Wema Bank account. USSD makes it a lot easier for customers to access bank services and it is not used by Wema Bank alone. Many other financial service providers have unique codes that their customers can dial to access information and perform various transactions. After dialing the code, following the instructions and selecting the appropriate option, enter your pin (e-banking pin) to complete your request. A message containing your account number will be sent to you
Call Customer care
Also, you can contact the Wema Bank customer care by calling a number that is linked to your Wema Bank account and requesting that you want your account number. Also, customers can send an email to the bank requesting their count number. While sending an email, ensure that you provide other personal information like your first name, last name, date of birth, and phone number that can support the tracing of your account and retrieval of your account number.
Visit the bank
If any Wema Bank is close to you, you can visit the bank to request your account number. The account number will be provided to you after you provide certain information that can help in getting your account number.
Account numbers are like passports through which third parties can transact with our account. When they are not accessible, it will be difficult to operate an account or impossible especially when someone or a business entity is waiting to transact business with your account. In case you are stranded and need to find your account number. The options discussed above are the way to go.