If you have ever forgotten how to check your Providus bank account, worry not, this article is for you. Often, persons are stuck trying to remember the exact amount they have in their Providus bank account. This article centers on highlighting the different means you can use to get your Providus bank account balance.
How to check your Providus bank account balance through the mobile app
The Providus bank is one of those fast booming Nigeria banks. The bank has since become popular due to its wide range of customers swarming in. The bank launched the mobile app to aid its customers in processing any transaction without contacting any bank official. The app promises convenience, fast, and reliable services for its customers.
The Providus bank mobile app is on any smartphone app store (iOS or Android). Before you begin performing several transactions with the app, you need to have it installed on your mobile device. To do this, simply go to your device app store and type in “Providus Bank” on the search bar. The app will appear, and you may download.
Once download, log in your banking details. For first-timers, you need to register by inputting your account number. Follow the instructions until you log in. Immediately you are logged in; your account details will display on your screen. You can also perform other transactions with ease on the mobile app.
Note: You must have the mobile app installed on your phone to operate or perform any operation. Internet connectivity is a requirement for the Providus bank app to run.
How to check your Providus bank account balance through internet banking
Internet banking is an online method of performing several transactions via the bank’s website. This method is fast and reliable. Although many persons would prefer to use the mobile app for checking and other transactions, the internet service method is also an excellent option. This part of the article will direct you on how to proceed with the internet banking procedure.
To use the Providus bank internet banking service, visit the bank’s website https://bankonline.providusbank.com. Whether you are a new or existing registered online user, you can use the site. For new users, click on “sign up” and input your Providus bank account details. For existing users, simply log in your Providus bank online information (username and password).
Once you log in, your full account information will display. Check your account balance. To get the history or statement, check the internet banking options in the site (while logged in), it will display.
If you have gotten your password, click the “forget password” icon and follow the procedures stated.
Note: You can only perform a transaction with the online system if you have registered for internet banking services. You will also need to have a stable internet connection to access your Providus banking details.
How to check your Providus bank account balance with ATM
ATM is always an inconvenient means of checking your account balance; however, it remains a means. All you need is your Providus bank-issued ATM card. Walk up to an ATM and slot the card inside. Input your four-digit Personal Identification Number and follow the prompting information.
The Providus bank is one of those modern banks operating in Nigeria. The bank has consistently been building itself for some time since its arrival. This is for the Providus bank’s customers who have forgotten the exact amount in their account or do not know how to retrieve such information. Kindly refer to this article if you have forgotten your Providus bank balance or need the stated information.